Friday, January 19, 2018

Memory Rescue by Daniel G Amen MD

Memory problems for older people are a big problem. While no medication has been found to come to the rescue, there is much we can do to improve our memory and even prevent some forms of dementia. Amen lays out the risk factors and what we can do to reduce or eliminate them.

Amen writes, “...your brain does not have to deteriorate. With a little forethought, you can slow or even reverse the aging process in the brain.” (82) He gives tons of information on the factors that affect brain health. He writes about the food we eat. He advises us to stop complaining. “It rewires your brain to see the negative far too often.” (176) Another suggestion is to journal feelings. My favorite of his suggestions is to always be learning. And then there are all the toxins and minerals to consider.

I was feeling overwhelmed with all the information contained in the book when I came to the final chapters. Amen does a great job of reviewing the major points. He also has a very good chapter with information condensed for readers to develop their own plan.

Amen encourages us to be brain warriors, people who work at restoring mental and brain health. There is a wealth of information in this book. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to grow old with a healthy brain and mind.

My rating: 4/5 stars

Daniel G. Amen, MD is a physician, board certified psychiatrist, bestselling author and popular speaker. He is the founder of Amen Clinics which have one of the highest published success rates treating complex psychiatric issues. He has written and produced shows about the brain on public television. He and his wife have four children and four grandchildren. You can find out more at and

Tyndale Momentum, 448 pages. 

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