Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Your God Is Too Glorious by Chad Bird

Do we sometimes make God too holy, too other, too glorious to see Him as part of our daily life? Do we want to have a famous ministry when God just wants us to love the elderly lady next door? Do we want to see a great vision from the Lord when He just wants to speak to us through the child we meet on the street?

Bird gives Christians much to think about. He writes, “This book is a call for a sweeping reorientation of our understanding of how God is at work in our lives...” (Loc 77/2396) He gives plenty of examples of God working in inglorious ways, from his own life, the lives of others, and characters in the Bible.

This is a good book for Christians who think God could not possibly use them. Maybe you had your life all figured out and it is not working out at all the way you planned. Perhaps your life has imploded. Bird's did because of his infidelity. He went from professor to truck driver. He shares how he rebelled against God for a time but then came back to be used by Him in an entirely different way. Bird is an example that God will use the weak and the foolish, the down and out, to accomplish His will.

In the end, Bird reminds readers that “God works in our lives by working under cover.” (Loc 2189/2396) This book will encourage you to become more aware of God working in your life and the lives of others, perhaps where you least expect it.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Chad Bird is an author, speaker, and scholar. He holds master's degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary and Hebrew Union College. He cohosts a podcast and blogs at He and his wife live in the Texas Hill Country.

Baker Books, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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