Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Kill Shot by Susan Sleeman

I enjoyed this novel of FBI procedure, suspense, and a hint of romance. While it is the second in the White Knights series and there are some allusions to events in the previous novel, this one read well on its own.

The White Knights is a special task force of the FBI. Rick is a ballistics and weapons expert and our hero. When some experimental, self-steering bullets are stolen and used to kill, the task force is called in. Rick meets Olivia, the psychologist treating the ex-military victim. Tiny sparks of romance between them pop up from time to time as Rick and the task force work the case.

This novel has a good balance of FBI procedure and character development. There is a lot of cutting edge technology used by the task force. I was amazed at all of the information that can be gleaned from DNA, such as age (a four year margin), hair color, race, etc. The task force has an expert hacker and others that are experts at gathering information too.

As for the character development, Rick has been alienated from his parents so there is some character work in that area. I don't like it when an agent allows romantic feelings for a woman he's investigating or protecting, as is the case here. At one point, Rick's concentration suffers as “...his worrying about Olivia left him unable to focus...” (281) Rick had been a sniper in the marines and I would have appreciated his character much more if he had disciplined his feelings for Olivia while working the case. Perhaps a female author writing a lead male character made him just a little too emotional. In some respects I felt Olivia was a much stronger character than Rick.

I did enjoy the novel, however, and do recommend it to those who like reading about cutting edge FBI investigative techniques. There is some suspense included as well as romance.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Susan Sleeman is a bestselling and award winning author of more than 25 inspirational romantic suspense novels. She hosts the popular website She and her husband live in Oregon. You can find out more at

FaithWords, 400 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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