Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Book of Mistakes by Skip Prichard

Prichard uses fiction to communicate lessons about success he has learned over the years. It is an entertaining story and may appeal to people who are interested in success but do not like to read nonfiction books. The main character, David, receives lessons from people he meets. The lessons point out mistakes people make, such as making excuses for behavior. The lesson learned is to reject excuses.

All of the lessons David learns are ones of personal success. While the lessons are all good for pursuing success, I was disappointed that there were not any lessons about how we treat our fellow man. There was no lesson encouraging us to help our neighbor live his dream. There was no lesson admonishing us to help our neighbor recognize his inherent value and grow in it. There was a lesson encouraging me in my own potential for success but not one about helping my neighbor realize his. I was encouraged to surround myself with the right people but not to be such a person for someone else.

This book will appeal to those looking for lessons about being personally successful in a fictional context. People who like the writing style of Andy Andrews will like this book. Unfortunately, there are not any practical strategies included for living out the success lessons given. Also, there is no encouragement to see that others are becoming successful too. If your idea of success centers on your own accomplishments, you'll like this book.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Skip Prichard has studied over a thousand of the world's most successful people. He has also been a successful CEO running global organizations. His insights have been featured in print and broadcast media. He lives in Ohio and Tennessee with his wife and their daughter. You can find out more at

Center Street, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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