Friday, April 27, 2018

Generous Love by Becky Kopitzke

Our love for one another is what is to distinguish us from the rest of the world. As Christians, how are we to love well, be intentional in our love day by day?

Reading this book provided me with a wealth of information and encouragement for having generous love as a lifestyle, selflessly blessing others. I really like it that Kopitzke first dealt with what gets in the way – sin. Ouch. She reminded me of the importance of my attitude. Ouch again. I also appreciate her concerns about social media and how it might prevent me from blessing someone in person.

Then Kopitzke moved on to provide knowledge and strategy, the tools I need to intentionally bless others. She reminded me that the actions may be simple but the results life changing. She also reminded me that the little choices we make are so important.

I like the stories she tells to illustrate her teaching. Some are her own and reveal that she is like I am, still struggling to learn how to love others well. Some stories are about people who have loved others well. They are really encouraging.

Is this book practical? My goodness. Kopitzke includes 50 ways to bless people with our presence, and then 50 ways to bless people with our possessions, and the same with perspective and prayer. There is no way one can read this book and not have several ideas of how to begin showing generous love right away. There are additional resources at the author's website,

Kopitzke has included questions at the end of every chapter that could be used for personal reflection or group discussion. 

I highly recommend this book. I can't help but wonder what the world would be like if every Christian began to intentionally bless others with generous love.

Food for thought: “The key to blessing others is this: Make God your top priority.” (Loc 597/3218)

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Becky Kopitzke is a writer, speaker, mentor, dreamer, believer, lunch packer, and recovering perfectionist. She and her husband live in northeast Wisconsin with their two daughters. You can find out more at

Bethany House, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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