Sunday, April 29, 2018

Lone Witness by Rachel Dylan

I enjoyed this novel of legal procedure. It was slow paced and definitely character driven. The main character, Sophie, is a prosecutor with the county district attorney's office in the Atlanta area. She's just begun working in the white collar crime unit and has a big case involving possible fraud by a bank employee. On her way home late one evening, she stops at a convenience store and witnesses a double murder. The plot concentrates on how Sophie does as a witness in one case and as a prosecutor in another. Someone tries to scare Sophie off one of the cases. A bit of romance enters in when Sophie's dad hires the handsome Cooper as her bodyguard.

We readers gain some insight into the world of prosecution and the hard work required to present a case. We also experience some of the interaction between attorneys and the politics involved in working for the county. We also feel the frustration that comes with the impediments to seeing justice done.

This is definitely a character driven novel. There is a bit of suspense here and there but not enough to call this novel one of suspense. Much of the novel deals with the thoughts of Sophie and Cooper as they realize the attraction between them and the obstacles to a potential romance. I like that Sophie and Cooper rely on their faith when the situation gets tense. 

There are some twists in the plot but I felt the ending was just a little too easy. Nonetheless, the novel is an enjoyable one. It is the second in a series and you can read my review of the first one, Deadly Proof.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Rachel Dylan writes Christian fiction including legal romantic suspense. Rachel has practiced law for over a decade and enjoys weaving together legal and suspenseful stories. She and her husband live in Michigan. She is a member of ACFW and RWA. You can find more about Rachel at

Bethany House, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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