Tuesday, May 1, 2018

No Less Days by Amanda G Stevens

This novel is an unusual combination of contemporary fantasy and Christian fiction. There are a few somewhat immortal people alive today because of an experimental serum used by a doctor in the late 1800s. When one of these immortals experiences a life threatening accident, something in the blood kicks in and accelerated healing takes place.

The story is told from the view of the long lived David, a used bookstore owner. He sees a television report of a man unscathed after a deadly fall. That is the beginning of the adventure as a few of the immortals come together.

There are several interesting and thought provoking issues contained in the plot. One is the concept that death of the body is a mercy from God. David says, “The soul can't bear endless years in this realm. In this evil.” (Loc 2451/3757) Another issue is what it really means to be human. And another, is it ever right to take a human life to prevent further evil?

The Christian aspect of this novel is strong. David and his girlfriend are strong Christians and they both struggle with issues while firmly trusting in God for their future.

I do recommend this novel to readers who enjoy speculative fiction with a clear Christian presence. The end of the plot is not conclusive so I will be looking for the sequel.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Amanda G. Stevens writes speculative fiction. She is the author of the Haven Seeker series, and her debut Seek and Hide was a 2015 INSPY Award finalist. She lives in Michigan. You can find out more at http://amandagstevensbooks.weebly.com/.

Shiloh Run, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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