Saturday, May 12, 2018

Out of Control by June Foster

This novel is a thought provoking Christian romance. Troubled youth pastor meets troubled hair stylist and we readers hope their troubles can be resolved to a happy ending. There are some good spiritual lessons in the novel, such as each of us being flawed yet used by God.

I had a little trouble liking Tim, the youth pastor. He has an anger issue, a character trait with roots in his childhood and his father. Tim desires that the Holy Spirit help him deal with his anger but success in that area has not materialized. Tim is a Bible college graduate, leads youth Bible studies, etc. A though provoking aspect of the novel is how the Holy Spirit deals with negative character traits and our part in the work. Another issue is that Tim had such a problem with his anger yet did not question whether he should continue to be in ministry with youth. That brings up the issue of whether one in ministry can have a glaring character problem and still minister well.

Tim and Roxanne, the hair stylist, both recognized their problems and I appreciate that. This story line is a good example of flawed Christians genuinely trying to have the Holy Spirit do the work needed. It is an encouraging story as we know we are flawed too. Even though the way may be rough, the Holy Spirit will do His work in the end.

I recommend this novel to readers who enjoy a Christian romance woven around Christians struggling to have God be the Lord of their lives. You'll be encouraged to see how God can heal the effects of harmful childhood experiences resulting in changed lives.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

June Foster is an award winning author and retired teacher with a BA in Educations and MA in Counseling. She is the mother of two and grandmother of ten. She began writing Christian romance in 2010. You can find out more at

Winged Publications, 284 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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