Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Not Fair by Steven Manchester

My review of Not Fair:
I'll be reviewing a novel in mid-July called Three Shoeboxes. That novel releases June 12 but to whet our appetite, the author wrote a short story introducing readers to the novel's characters and plot. The story covers a few days in Mac's troubled life. We get a glimpse of those troubles at work and at home. He struggles with PTSD with nightmares and lack of sleep. Even taking his kids to the fair turns out to be a traumatic event that leaves his younger children in tears.

I look forward to reading the novel and finding out how Mac deals with his inner battles. I can tell it is going to be a serious look at the life of a person with PTSD.

Synopsis of Three Shoeboxes:
Mac Anderson holds life in the palm of his hand. He has a beautiful wife, three loving children, a comfortable home and successful career. Everything is perfect—or so it seems. Tragically, Mac is destined to learn that any sense of security can quickly prove false. After a horrific auto accident, an invisible enemy called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.) invades Mac’s fragile mind and drops him to his knees. He does all he can to conceal his inner-chaos, but to no avail. Left to contend with ignorance, an insensitive justice system and the struggles of an invisible disease, his family is taken from him.

One shoebox might store an old pair of sneakers. Two shoeboxes could contain a lifetime of photographs. But in Three Shoeboxes, a father’s undying love may be just enough to make things right again.

You can find Steven Manchester on Facebook. If you would like to read this short story, you can message Manchester through his Facebook account and he'll send it to you.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this short story through Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours. My comments are an independent and honest review. The synopsis of Three Shoeboxes was provided provided by the author.

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