Friday, June 1, 2018

The Corandria Station by Carol Keen Blog Tour

About the novella:

*First Place Winner from CWW and CIAN in the 5000 words Contest; Speculative Fiction Division*

First Officer Mimsy B'Groves never expected her life to be anything but ordinary. In the wake of a major disaster aboard The Corandria Station, Mimsy must solve the mystery surrounding the place she once called home. The planet below her now holds the only chance for answers - if she can survive without revealing her deepest secret. Can a lone, witty, sentient feline overcome the obstacles placed before her?

You can buy a copy here.

My review:

This is an entertaining and unique novella. It sits on the border of fantasy and science fiction, speculative fiction. It is a universe inhabited by cats and the main character is a feline first officer on a space station.

The story begins with Mimsy being the only one remaining on the station. All the crew have disappeared. All that is left is some goo and a planet below that might hold some answers.

There are holograms you can feel and lots of other technology. There is adventure on a strange planet. There are also the issues of deformity and prejudice. The author helps us see that one person's deformity may be another person's blessing. The Great Maker has it all under control.

I like cats and sci-fi so enjoyed this novella. I was left with the possibility of more adventure with Mimsy so I'll be looking for another entertaining piece of fiction from Keen.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the author:

Carol E. Keen enjoys fresh coffee, hot tea, and a good book. She was published for several years in FAMA magazine (Freshwater And Marine Aquarium) as a contributing editor. She published her first book on CD, called Simply Seahorses. She lives in Alabama with her husband and family and spends her time writing, reading, working in photography, and being with her much loved critters. You can find out more about her on Facebook and Book Bub and follow her on Twitter, @carolkeenauthor.

Carol Keen, 73 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this novella through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

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