Monday, August 13, 2018

Laughing All the Way by Karen O'Connor

This book was a surprise. It wasn't what I had expected, based on the title and cover. It is an encouraging and instructive book but it is not funny. It made me think but it did not make me laugh.

O'Connor shares her insights to help readers live life well in the latter years. She offers challenges like knowing one's self. She explores the four personality types and discusses introverts and extroverts. She encourages creativity, noting that the latter half of life is the perfect time to be creative. She helps us get through setbacks, noting that God may be directing us to a new path in life.

The most surprising part of her book was also the most informative for me. It was on creating personal boundaries. She writes of offering to help another person but then being overwhelmed by the intensity of need. She also writes about her decision to quit meddling. I really liked her example of taking care of what's in our own boat and leaving others to take care of what's in their boat.

O'Connor shares great stories to illustrate her wisdom offerings. She is a good example of seeing older life as a gift to be enjoyed.

If you are looking for general wisdom and insight into living your latter years, such as breathing deeply and getting rid of clutter, this book is for you. If you were looking for humor, you will need to look elsewhere.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Karen O'Connor has authored many magazine articles and more than 70 books. Her numerous awards include the Paul A. Witty Award for short story writing and the 2002 Special Recognition Award at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. She speaks at schools, churches, and community organizations, and has been a guest on national radio and television programs. You can find out more at

Harvest House Publishers, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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