Monday, August 27, 2018

Penny Pennington by Fabien Roy

This is an unusual novella. It's a bit on the fantasy side while exploring relationships and life's meaning. John, an accountant with a stagnant career, picks up a penny on the way home from work on a rainy day. Later, his girlfriend is away and he tires of the weekend tax returns he does for extra income. He is shocked when the penny speaks to him. He ultimately carries on a conversation with the penny that is life changing.

I am not sure I understand the conversation John had with the penny and all it means. In the narrative, John mentally wanders while the penny is speaking and so did I. It was interesting to contemplate life from the viewpoint of a penny, such as being stuffed in a pocket for days. I was surprised to think about the possible jealousy between the various coins. One could certainly relate the experiences and emotions the coins had to that of humans.

This novella presents an interesting way one could work through personal issues. John seems to work out some things through his conversation with the penny. Perhaps readers will have insight from the conversation as well. I do appreciate the unusual plot.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Fabien Roy has a BA from McGill University. He has been a painter, waiter, commercial actor and is now a full time dad living in Canada.

Amazon Digital Services, 102 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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