Friday, August 3, 2018

The Former Assassin by Nikki Stern Blog Tour

The Former Assassin

by Nikki Stern

on Tour August 1-31, 2018


Susan Foster wants to retire. Her boss wants her dead.
After decades as Victor Kemp’s off-the books killer, Suzanne finally quits. Not until five years later does Kemp discover how thoroughly she’s deceived him. Determined to punish her, he tracks her to Wales to watch her die. Instead, he walks into a trap.
Believing themselves safe at last, Suzanne and her family relocate to London, where she hopes to find the peace that has eluded her for so long. Her son is engaged to a nobleman’s daughter; her husband has a good job with British Intelligence. Yet she still struggles with restless dreams and the premonition that her nemesis has survived.
He has: Kemp, though severely injured, is rebuilding his empire and plotting revenge. He’s prepared to risk everything to end the former assassin. He may not be the only one.
Suzanne has no choice: to protect those she loves, she will be forced to kill again. Assassins, it seems, can never retire.
"An explosive page-turner which owes its momentum to it two well-drawn opponents and a conflict that goes beyond good-vs.-evil.” ~IndieReader, Four Star review
"Later turns in the smashing final act come at a searing pace." ~ Kirkus Reviews
"Keeps readers guessing the outcome right up to its conclusion." ~D. Donovan Midwest Book Review

My Review:

Stern's novel is a good one for readers who like long prose passages of descriptions, character thoughts, and back story as well as scenes with lots of action. A new character or event was introduced, for example, followed by pages of background information bringing the reader up to speed. I like such information being provided through dialogue or scenes with action, but that's my preference.

I found Stern's writing style a bit unusual, including different points of view. Scenes revolving around the main character, Suzanne the former assassin, are from her point of view and are written in the present tense. Scenes where Suzanne is not present are written in the universal viewpoint with the more traditional past tense. I found the changes in writing style a little disconcerting, especially when Suzanne was present in the scene but not the main focus and hence the latter point of view and tense.

I felt the former assassin, Suzanne, was a character not well developed. This may have been intentional on the author's part. Suzanne was an assassin for decades as well as a wife and mother. Such a life may have meant maintaining little emotion in order to mentally survive. Having Suzanne as a flat character in the novel could be a reflection of a mental survival strategy.

I do recommend this novel to readers who like a character driven mystery with long prose passages interspersed with scenes of great suspense. You'll meet some really nefarious characters too. The novel kept my interest to the end but I must admit I skimmed over some of the long prose passages.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Book Details:

Genre: Suspense Thriller
Published by: Ruthenia Press
Publication Date: January 8, 2018
Number of Pages: 304
ISBN: 9780999548721
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Audible | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:

Today is not a good day to die.
No day is, not really. We humans are hard-wired to survive. By most standards, though, this morning is exceptional. The weather is balmy, even for May. The fierce winds that often pound the Welsh coastline have remained offshore. Purple heather blankets the emerald cliffs that encircle Bristol Bay. Small breakers gently lap the shoreline and wash the sand clean of debris. The water sparkles in the sunlight. Shades of azure and aquamarine yield to cyan and lapis further out. In the distance, the sea meets a cerulean sky just where the earth curves. No slate clouds gather at the horizon. All is calm.
Nothing suggested that today I would find myself on a bench in one of the most breathtaking spots in the world with a gun to my head, held by a predator who speaks just two words: “Don’t move.”
Excerpt from The Former Assassin by Nikki Stern. Copyright © 2018 by Nikki Stern. Reproduced with permission from Nikki Stern. All rights reserved.

Author Bio:

Nikki Stern is the author of two works of non-fiction: HOPE IN SMALL DOSES, a 2015 Eric Hoffer finalist for books that provoke, inspire and redirect thought, and BECAUSE I SAY SO: MORAL AUTHORITY'S DANGEROUS APPEAL, as well as dozens of short stories. She is co-author on the Cafe Noir interactive murder mystery series, published by Samuel French. Nikki's suspense novel, THE FORMER ASSASSIN has garnered strong reviews, including a four-star rating from Indie Reader. She's working on a mystery/sci-fi series starring an unorthodox crime fighter named Samantha Tate. When she's not writing about strong complex women, Nikki is working with several non-profits, taking Pilates classes, and attending to the needs of her dog, Molly.

Catch Up With Nikki Stern On: Website, Goodreads, Twitter, & Facebook!


Tour Participants:

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I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours.

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