Monday, September 24, 2018

Pull It Off by Julianna Zobrist

If God asked me to do something unusual, something out of my comfort zone, would I do it? Would I be paralyzed by fear? Would I wonder what other people might think more than what God thought?

Zobrist is no longer bound by such fear and she wants her readers to have that same freedom. She wants to help us to find the origin of our fears and then maximize our true identities in Christ. We can then act with confidence, being creative and expressive. She looks at authority (why our decisions should be between us and God), identity (ours should be in Christ alone), and security (in God's love for us and how He created us).

The book includes many stories to illustrate her teaching. Most are from her own life but she includes examples from the Bible and other sources too.

There is a ton of encouragement in this book but what is missing is a practical strategy for actually working out what Zobrist teaches. There are no questions to ponder, no action steps to take (other than on buying the fashions you like).

And you may be a little confused, as I was, about the difference between identity and image. Our identity is secure in Christ but we are apparently free to embellish our image with bleached hair and fashionable clothes (as she herself does). Never mind Paul's admonition that women are to dress modestly and not have elaborate hairstyles. (I Tim. 2:9) And if I really have confidence in how God created me, why would I change my hair color?

This is a book for young career age women worried about fashion or fitting into society's concepts of beauty and acceptance. Older readers like this senior citizen might find some of the issues included ones dealt with long ago. Zobrist did inspire me, however, to take another look at a project I have been contemplating for years. Maybe I will pull it off.

You can watch the book trailer here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Julianna Zobrist is an author, speaker, music artist, fashion muse, and social media influencer. She has appeared at numerous charity/professional events and venues around the nation. She has been featured in many publications. She divides her time between Nashville and Chicago, traveling with her husband Ben Zobrist (Chicago Cubs World Series MVP) and their three children.

FaithWords, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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