Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Virgil Wander by Leif Enger

There was some interesting action at the beginning and end of this novel but I found most of it slow moving and rather boring. The novel starts with an auto accident and rescue. Virgil Wander experiences a concussion from the accident. We follow his life as he recuperates and interacts with small town characters.

If I had not agreed to review this novel, I don't think I would have finished it. I will not review a book I have not read so did continue to the end. I asked myself many times what the point of the novel could possibly be. I did find out quite a bit about the possible effects of a concussion, about classic films, and about handmade kites. There were some interesting characters in the book but it was hard to identify any growth or change in them. None of them was developed to the point that I really liked the individual or could empathize with their problem.

Enger's writing style was mostly long passages of prose, such as descriptions or memories of background material. I prefer characters acting and speaking to move the plot forward. There were a few good scenes, some tender moments, and even some humor but the plot overall did not captivate me.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Leif Enger was raised in Osakis, Minnesota, and worked as a reporter and producer for Minnesota Public Radio for nearly twenty years. He lives on a farm in Minnesota with his wife and two sons.

Atlantic Monthly Press, 352 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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