Wednesday, November 21, 2018

In Dog We Trust by Beth Kendrick

This is a fun novel for lovers of chick lit and dogs. Jocelyn is a good character. It didn't take long for me to get interested in her. Her frustrating love life is a mess. I kept rooting for her to find the kind of nice guy she deserved. And Bree is a great companion for Jocelyn. I love their smart dialogue and quips.

There is nothing really deep in this novel, just a light and funny romance. You will learn quite a bit about dog breeding and showing. You'll have a fun romp through two sides of society in a Delaware beach resort town, the rich who spend the summer and the others who serve then drinks and wash their linens. You'll experience different situations of courtship and marriage. You'll read of faithful friends and money seeking enemies.

I recommend this novel to readers who enjoy a lighthearted and humorous adventure through the love life of a sweet caretaker of a few rambunctious dogs. Discussion questions are included so this would be a fun novel for a ladies reading group.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Beth Kendrick is the author of thirteen women's fiction novels. Although she lives in Arizona she loves to vacation at the Delaware beaches.

Berkley, 338 pages. This book releases January 8, 2019.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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