Sunday, December 9, 2018

Decoding Your Dreams by Jennifer LeClaire

LeClaire reminds us that God spoke in dreams in the Bible and He does so today. Sleep studies indicate we usually dream at least four times each night. She gives tips on how to remember more dreams and suggestions on understanding what the dreams mean. It is important, she says, that we stay within the realm of biblical resources and do not turn to non-Christian resources. Scripture is our constant foundation.

If we wonder why God would use dreams to speak to us, LeClaire gives some theories. If we are ready to listen to what God has to say in our dreams, she suggests we ask God to speak to us this way and have an attitude of expectation.

LeClaire includes much on dream interpretation, including dreaming about biblical places, numbers, colors, symbols, etc. I was surprised to find out that culture has an influence in that symbols have different connotations for different people groups. For example, there is a hand gesture representing the University of Texas mascot, the head and horns of cattle. But that same gesture represents Satanism in Europe. (Loc. 1469/2812) What a change in meaning. Understanding the cultural aspects of symbols is very important in understanding dreams and I think she is the first I've seen point them out. And then there are the subjective symbols, meaningful to one person but meaningless to another.

She is also quick to remind us that not all dreams are from God and gives good ways to be discerning on dream sources. We can evaluate the fruit produced from the dream as well as know that a dream from God would never go against Scripture. She gives several examples of her own dreams to help us understand the process. She reminds us that dreams are subjective and symbols could have different meanings in different situations.

Dreams and their interpretation can be a difficult subject. LeClaire's book is very helpful in understanding the entire topic. I've read a few books on dreams yet learned some new and valuable information in this one. I like her emphasis that we ask the Lord as the interpretation belongs to Him. I like her pointing out that our emotional state influences our dream interpretation so it is important to seek out others who are wise in dream interpretation. I like the practical steps she gives.

I do recommend this book to Christians who desire to understand why God speaks in dreams and want some insight into discerning the meaning of dreams.

You can watch the book trailer here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Jennifer LeCalire is an internationally recognized author, conference speaker, and prophetic voice. She is the senior leader of several prayer networks. She formally served as the first female director of Charisma magazine and has authored more than twenty-five books. She is a frequent contributor to Charisma's publications and her own column, “The Plumb Line.” She lives in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. You can find out more at

Emanate Books, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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