Sunday, December 30, 2018

Flights of Fancy by Jen Turano

I am not a fan of historical fiction but I never miss a chance to read a novel from Turano. I love the wit and humor and the snappy dialogue. I think I have read most of her novels and this may be the best one yet.

What might happen when Isadora, a young heiress to her family's wealth, flees New York society to escape the the advances of a truly lecherous duke from England? Helped by a butler, she manages to travel to rural Pennsylvania to secure a job as a … housekeeper.

Turano has the amazing ability to include wit, humor, and snappy dialogue in a great plot. I laughed out loud. But this is also a sort of coming of age novel. Isadora had been raised with wealth and now is faced with seeing how some people must live without such privilege. She also experiences the warmth and friendship in a small community foreign to her life in high society.

I like that Turano has included some other issues of the time, such as the conditions mill workers endured. It was a time of wealth building for some at the expense of many others.

I highly recommend this novel. You'll get a bit of romance, a good dose of humor, and a thoughtful exploration of one young privileged woman finding out what is really important in life.

You can download an except here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Jen Turano is the USA Today bestselling author of eleven books and two novellas. She has a degree in clothing and textiles from the University of Akron. She is a member of ACFW and lives in a suburb of Denver, Colorado. You can find out more at www.jenturano.comSara Karam Photography

Bethany House, 368 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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