Thursday, December 6, 2018

Sabotaged Christmas by Carole Brown Blog Tour

Book Synopsis:

   Toni DeLuca, the Italian owner of DeLuca Construction, finds herself confronted with doubts about her father and his possible deceptions – all because of the mysterious pink notes she's been receiving.
   Relations with Perrin Douglas who has a troubling history – but the first man in years who's interested her – is building to a peak. Yet Perrin's own personal problems and his doubts about women and God, keep getting in the way.
   Gossip, a Spanish proposal, an inheritance, and a sabotaged construction business may ruin Christmas for Toni's employees as well as her own happiness.
   Will a mysterious person succeed in pulling off the biggest scam Appleton, West Virginia has ever seen? And will this culprit destroy Toni's last chance at happiness with the man of her dreams?
Buy the book here.

My Review:

Brown gives readers a Christian romantic suspense novel concentrating on the feelings and thoughts of the characters. The main characters, Toni and Perrin, have both had experiences making them adverse to romance. Their budding romance progresses with plenty of obstacles having to be overcome. One of the obstacles concerns the sabotaging of Toni's construction business. Toni repeatedly wonders if Perrin is behind it. That suspicion competes with her growing feelings for him.

Brown's writing style is a little abrupt at times. One chapter ended with Toni receiving a disturbing, and we assume very unwanted, marriage proposal from an odd man. I expected at least some comment about the proposal at the beginning of the next chapter, but nothing. It was not mentioned again until nearly the end of the book.

Some of the dialogue was confusing too as Brown frequently gives oblique references to the character speaking. The motives behind the sabotaging of Toni's business are quite complex. All is revealed in the end but I am not sure it all made sense. I did appreciate Toni's strong Christian faith, a challenge to Perrin's lack of it. 

Author Bio:

Besides being a member and active participant of many writing groups, Carole Brown enjoys mentoring beginning writers. An author of ten books, she loves to weave suspense and tough topics into her books, along with a touch of romance and whimsy, and is always on the lookout for outstanding titles and catchy ideas. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, a simple life, and did she mention their grandsons?

You can follow her blog, find her on Twitter and Facebook

Story and Logic Media Group, 270 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

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