Friday, January 11, 2019

Flourish by Lydia Brownback

It has been a while since a book has impacted me as much as this one has. Brownback takes much of the self centered nature of what is popular in Christian culture today and sets us straight. In a time when self (self care, self improvement, self indulgence) is the focus, Brownback takes us back to the gospel.

Her teaching penetrates to the very heart of why we Christians do what we do. Are we pursuing personal change to enrich our walk with Christ or are we just dissatisfied with ourselves? (266/1142) Are we living for our own pleasures or for the pleasure of God's presence? (464/1142) Are we focusing on what makes us happy or what glorifies God? We cannot live for earthbound appetites and live for Christ. (536/1142)

Brownback calls us to leave behind the self improvement trap (the old self is dead, after all) and move to Christ centered goals and priorities. She reminds us of Col. 3:1-4 and encourages us to first seek things above, making God's priorities our priorities, and set our minds on Christ and life in God's kingdom.

This book has really made an impression on me. I was struck by her calling us away from a self centered culture – even within Christianity. We are not here to maximize our personal potential but to become more Christlike and kingdom focused. (576/1142)

I highly recommend this book. Brownback has included a six week study guide with daily questions for reflection. This would be a great book for a women's study but would work very well for individual use too.

If you read this book, I think you will be challenged to rethink your life and your focus. I was.

Food for thought: “...happiness comes not from being thought well of but by thinking less of ourselves altogether.” (133/1142)

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Lydia Brownback (MAR, Westminster Theological Seminary) is the author of several books and is a speaker at women's conferences around the world.

Crossway, 144 pages. This book releases January 31.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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