Sunday, February 10, 2019

A Case of Bier by Mary Daheim

I have read most of the Alpine series by Daheim but this is my first in the bed and breakfast series. What a difference. The main characters in this series are less serious and much more random in their attempt to solve a murder mystery. The plot itself is a bit zany and quite complicated.

The action takes place in Banff where the Flynns and Joneses are vacationing. There is an odd family from Nebraska camping near the motel. They claim they are waiting for an elderly relative to die and then fulfill his wish, sending him down the river on a bier. There seems to be murder afoot and cousins Judith Flynn and Renie Jones tackle the issue while their husbands are off fishing.

I wish there had been more description of the location. Banff is beautiful, I think, but Judith and Renie rarely seemed to even notice their awesome surroundings. The personality of Renie seemed over dramatized to me, always wanting something to eat. The family camping near the motel was really strange but the individual characters seemed rather flat to me. They were odd characters but not with distinct and entertaining personalities.

I think this series might be appreciated most by elderly readers. The slow pace of the plot and the rambling plot development left me wanting tighter writing. I think I'll stick with the Alpine series.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Mary Dahein is a Seattle native with degrees in communication from the University of Washington. She lives in her hometown in a century-old house. She is the mother of three daughters and has three grandchildren. You can find out more at

William Morrow, 288 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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