Thursday, February 28, 2019

Freedom! by Jennifer Renee Watson

Watson has given readers a wonderfully encouraging book. We women are to be a light showing the way in the wilderness, a stream that refreshes those around us. (170) Often life seems just the opposite, however. We feel stuck. We fight obstacles. We are broken.

Watson encourages women to be gutsy in our pursuit of freedom. We ask God what lies we are believing. We fight against the mindset of being stuck. We intentionally let go of things in our past, refusing to bask in our brokenness. We commit to moving forward because of the finished work of Christ. We seek to have a supportive group of women with us.

We have to fight for our freedom and Watson has provided tools to do so. She includes practical ideas, such as ones for battling the negative talk within. She helps us embrace a moving-on mindset. She encourages us to realize our issues were never meant to be limitations but launching pads to growth. I love her personal take on 1 Corinthians 13, applying it to ourselves.

This is an excellent book for women who want to move beyond their place of feeling stuck. Watson provides good examples as well as effective and encouraging teaching. This would be a good book for personal journaling or a group study as there are reflective questions at the end of each chapter.

Food for thought: “He will use each heartache for His glory if you let Him.” (17)

My rating: 4/5 stars

Jennifer Renee Watson is a blogger, speaker, youth minister, pastor's wife and mom. She has been featured on (in)courage, Guideposts, The Mighty, She Believes, For Every Mom, and more. She co-founded Broken Girl Ministries in 2011 to help women find the same healing she found in Jesus Christ. She lives with her family in Northwest Arkansas. You can find out more at

Bethany House Publishers, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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