Friday, February 8, 2019

More of God by R T Kendall

Kendall asks some thought provoking questions. Do we want more of God or more from God? Do we want to know God for who he is and not for what he can give us? Are we willing to hunger and thirst after God?

Kendall covers many topics, such as accepting the way God made us, walking in the light, trials as gifts from God, forgiveness, being in the Word, and more. He covers all these areas because he writes, “we cannot be selective with the options that lead us to receive more of God.” (146) A half hearted attempt will not do.

There were a couple of surprises in this book. Kendall admits that he cannot adequately describe what getting more of God is. (28) He is quick to assure us, however, as our hunger and thirst for God increases, we will come to know more of God for ourselves. (28) Kendall emphasized our asking God for mercy before we rush into his presence, based on Heb. 4:16. (31) A good reminder for those of us who just “come boldly” into God's presence without prior preparation.

Probably the greatest surprise for me was Kendall describing the Shekinal (glory) cloud as dark. Of the cloud over the mercy seat he writes, “that cloud was a dark cloud.” (67) Kendall points out if we want more of God, we must love the glory of God, which ever way it shows up, however uncomfortable we may feel. (68)

I really appreciate that among the realm of charismatic authors, Kendall is very critical of the “name it and claim it” theology. Referencing Matt. 6:31-33, he says the teaching “encourages one to focus on the very thing that Jesus said pagans seek after! I think we should run as far away from that way of thinking as we possibly can!” (43) Seeking first God's agenda should be our priority in wanting more of God rather wanting more from God. I like that.

One of the reasons I like Kendall's teaching is because he is a sort of Reformed and charismatic hybrid. He is firm on God's sovereignty and writes that the teaching you can lose your salvation is a heresy, albeit a harmless one. (103) Yet he seriously advocates speaking in tongues and is sad that some oppose the practice.

The only aspect of the book I did not appreciate was Kendall frequently mentioning the previous books he has written.

I recommend this book to Christians who are not satisfied with knowing about God and seriously desire to know and experience more of God. Kendall says he has written this book to make us hungry for more of God. Are you willing to give the time and priority to knowing God? If so, this book will get you on your way.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

R. T. Kendall was the pastor of Westminster Chapel in London, England, for twenty-five years. Born in Ashland, Kentucky, he was educated at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv) and Oxford University (Dphil). He is the author of more than sixty books. You can find out more at

Charisma House, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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