Friday, February 15, 2019

Never Let Go by Elizabeth Goddard

Goddard introduces us to a new sleuthing profession, the forensic genealogist. The professionals take genealogical research to a whole new level. In this case, the task is to locate a baby abducted from a hospital twenty years ago. It was interesting to read about some innovative ways of trying to locate someone when there are practically no clues.

I liked how Goddard portrayed the main characters. Willow, the forensic genealogist, and Austin, the ex-FBI agent Willow's grandfather had hired to help in the search, have a past. A previous romance between them had ended in hurt on both sides. We see before long that they never stopped having feelings for each other. We wonder if they will get past the hurt to a new relationship. Willow and Austin are Christians and I thought Goddard did an excellent representation of their faith, especially in suspenseful times.

I liked the setting of Grayback. Goddard had Willow contemplate the scenery at times and I appreciated being brought into her wonder at the mountains and valleys.

The plot is quite complex. The reason the baby was initially stolen is not revealed until near the end and I am not sure the reason actually worked. How Willow and Austin hunted for the abducted baby, now woman, seemed a mix of skill and luck. And the end, how it all worked out, did seem a little far fetched.

There is plenty of suspense in this novel as someone is determined to prevent Willow from pursuing the search. The characters are pretty well crafted and the setting is well done. The theme of relationship restoration is an added feature.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Elizabeth Goddard is the bestselling author of more than 30 books. Her books have won a Carol Award and have been finalists in the Daphne du Maurier Awards and the Carol Award. She is a seventh generation Texan. You can find out more at www.elizabethgoddard.comPhoto Credit: Emilie Hendryx

Revell, 368 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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