Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Thrive in Retirement by Eric Thurman

People are living longer and facing unknown territory. The person turning 65 can generally expect another two decades of life. Will those be happy years? Thurman says they can be and identifies several critical factors and gives many tips, ideas that just might make all the difference.

Thurman shares his ideas within the context of his own experience of his wife dying and his quitting his job. He knew he had to understand happiness and how he could have it in his remaining years. While some of our well-being depends upon genetics and life time medical care, he found that some 60% of it is up to us and the choices we make. He writes about five areas: mind, body, relationships, soul, and finances. He explores purpose, pleasure, and peace in each of those areas.

Thurman has some good suggestions. I liked his purpose pyramid, identifying levels of activity with giving to others at the top and the most rewarding. There were some surprises, like the value of getting in touch with your inner artist and practicing mindfulness. He deals with serious issues like depression. His chapter on dying was sobering but full of valuable information.

He has included much valuable information in Appendixes. I learned how to inform others upon my death how to deal with my personal requests, finances, insurance, will, and much more. He includes forms I can fill out or at least use as templates. Every senior should have this information to make it much easier for others after our death.

I recommend this book to those who are entering into that third time of life and want to maintain or increase happiness as the years go by. You'll find good information and practical suggestions. This book will help you be intentional about the quality of your life as you grow older.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Eric Thurman began his career as a broadcast journalist with coverage or appearances on many major media outlets. He was an early leader of the microfinance movement and headed antipoverty programs in 30 less-developed nations. His mission now is helping people find meaning and enjoyment during the last third of life. He lives in Illinois.

Waterbrook, 240 pages. This book releases February 26.

I received a complimentary an advanced uncorrected proof of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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