Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Whispers and Wildflowers by Sarah Beth Marr

If you feel like you are going through a spiritual dry spell or you feel like there is just something missing in your faith walk, this is a good book to work through. It is not a feel good, three minute a day devotional. It is an intensive thirty day journey of developing a deeper connection with God. Not that a mere thirty days will do it. This is a book to be read over and over as the journey is an ongoing one.

There are many essays that particularly moved me. One was about the heart, creating space for God and guarding that space against those things that deplete it. Another was about choosing life-giving pursuits rather than our digital devices. Yet another was about connecting with the Spirit, that it takes awareness and intention.

Each essay is a combination of encouragement, teaching, and correction. Marr helps us understand how we connect with God and what we can do to hear His quiet voice. She provides questions that are thought provoking and good for journaling. She also provides a written prayer asking God to help us in the areas we've just read about.

I am impressed with the depth of teaching in this book. It is one I'll read over and over as I pursue a deeper connection with God, making room for Him in the big and small moments of life.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Sarah Beth Marr danced as a professional ballerina for Ballet Austin and Mejia Ballet International. She writes at and speaks to MOPS groups and at women's events in North Texas. She lives in Dallas with her husband and their three sons. Photo Credit: Meshali Mitchell

Baker Books, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley from the publisher my comments are an independent and honest review.

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