Sunday, February 24, 2019

Women, Rise Up! by Cindy Jacobs

Jacobs believes God wants to pour out His Spirit on men and women to be a prophetic voice for this generation. Yes, women! “God is speaking to the prophets all around the world that an army of women is coming who will be evangelists to their cities and who will perform mighty signs and wonders.” (263)

She has written this book to encourage women feeling such a call. She wants women to reach their highest potential in church and ministry. She gives many examples of women in powerful ministry. She identifies the obstacles women face and the potential controversies. She shares much from her own experiences too.

About midway through the book, Jacobs tackles those pesky questions about what the Bible says regarding women in ministry and leadership. She does a good job of reviewing Scripture passages and biblical examples of women used by God. It is clear there were women deacons and elders in the early church. She clarifies many troublesome passages, thoroughly investigating the original Greek and the bias male translators often show. Jacobs even includes in an Appendix an article from 1894 advocating women in ministry indicating that women in ministry is not some new idea. There were many women in ministry over a century ago and it was not nearly as controversial an issue as it is now.

This is an excellent book for women who feel called to ministry yet are hesitant because of their gender. Jacobs addresses all those issues of “authority” and “keep silent” and much more. You will be encouraged to rise up and take your place in the advancement of God's kingdom.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Cindy Jacobs and her husband are the founders of Generals International, a worldwide ministry that works to achieve social transformation through intercession and prophetic ministry. She is the author of several bestselling books and has a television program seen around the world. She and her husband have two grown children and six grandchildren. They live in Dallas, Texas. You can find out more at

Chosen, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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