Monday, March 11, 2019

Breakthrough by Joyce Smith with Ginger Kolbaba.

If you wonder if miracles happen today, read this book. Fourteen year old John Smith fell through ice and was in forty degree water for a half hour, totally submerged for half of that time. Finally rescued, he had no heartbeat for an hour, until he did. But then there was no brain activity and his organs were failing. The doctors were sure there was no hope.

This is a very well written account of what happened to the young teen. His adoptive mother was like a grizzly bear, desperately praying for the life of her son. Others came to pray for days. There were spiritual attacks and the struggle to maintain faith. The account is captivating.

Some may wonder why God would heal some and not others. Joyce, John's mother, reveals much of her life, letting readers know she was not some super spiritual individual. She had made her mistakes in life and came before God as we all do, asking for His grace and mercy.

I highly recommend this book. It is an amazing account of an inexplicable event. It can only be explained by God's intervention. A doctor's letter is included, verifying the miraculous recovery.

You can watch the trailer for the movie here and find out more about it and the people involved here. The movie releases on Easter.

I am sure the movie will be good but read the book first.

My rating: 5/5 stars

Joyce Smith worked in accounting for twenty five years but feels her biggest accomplishment has been as a wife and mother. She and her husband live in St. Charles, Missouri. They have four sons and five grandchildren.
Ginger Kolbaba is an award-winning author, editor and speaker. She has written or contributed to more than 30 books. She has published more than 500 magazine and online articles and is a contributing editor for Focus on the Family magazine. She is the former editor of Today's Christian Woman magazine, Marriage Partnership magazine, and the founding editor of, all award-winning resources of Christianity Today.

FaithWords, 256 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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