Friday, March 15, 2019

Navigate Your Faith by Ron Pratt

This book packs a punch. Like prey being trapped by a spider, Pratt suggests Christians have been caught in a web of the devil's cunning lies. Many Christians have fallen prey to the spirit of cultural entertainment. Some would prefer to pursue human independence rather than the lordship of Christ. “Many Christians have relaxed their views and developed a tolerance for what was once called sin.” (64) People who profess to follow Jesus are actually following a godless culture.

Pratt is straightforward in his concern, calling out Christians who are more enamored with the things of this world than with Jesus. He writes about the media, movies, alcohol, flirting, sex, and much more.

I am impressed with how Pratt communicates his teaching. He has crafted a fictional story about a couple who ultimately face their own spiritual condition. Each chapter starts with a scene from the couple's story and then includes Pratt's teaching on the issue. That technique works well. It is as if we see his teaching come to life through the story.

I recommend this book to Christians who wonder why they are missing the abundant life Jesus promised. Pratt suggests it is because we have turned our hearts to fleshly desires rather than seeking God to fill the empty places in our hearts.

Every Christian would do well to read this book. It is a good reminder of how far we have wandered away from the Lordship of Christ and into the culture of our day.

You can watch the book trailer here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Ron Pratt is president and founder of This Generation Ministries, which aims to reach the lost of Alaska. A native of Southern California, Pratt started his ministry to young people in Modesto, California. He moved to Alaska in 1998. He has ministered internationally in addition to bringing healing and hope to remote villages in Alaska. He and his wife life in North Pole, Alaska. You can find out more at

Charisma House, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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