Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Shadowed by a Spy by Marilyn Turk

The reason I read historical fiction is to be introduced to and learn about an event from the past. In this novel we go back to 1942 when Nazi spies landed on Long Island. Called Operation Pastorius, their plan was to attack bridges, water supply, etc.

Turk has done a good job of creating the setting for us. Lexie, who we met in the first novel in the series, unknowingly meets and sort of befriends one of the spies. We readers catch snatches of their devious plans.

The focus of the novel, however, is on Lexie. She was being trained to be a nurse at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York. It was very interesting to read about the patients there and the innovative (and no longer used) techniques practiced in an attempt to help them. We also follow Russell, Lexie's fiancee. He is an assistant manager at the Martinique Hotel but music is his passion. He's a piano player and signs on with a dance band going overseas to play for the USO. That was another interesting part of the novel.

The strength of Turk's writing is the descriptions of New York during the war years. I can tell she has done a great deal of research. The characters are well developed too. There is a little bit of action included. The romance is tempered as Lexie and Russell are already engaged. I do recommend this historical novel to readers who would enjoy being transported to New York in 1942 and learning about the time and place.

You can read my review of the first novel in the series, The Gilded Curse, here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Marilyn Turk has written a number of historical novels. The Gilded Curse was published in 2016 and Shadowed by a Spy in June, 2018. She lives in Florida and you can find out more at

Heritage Beacon Fiction, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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