Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Half Finished by Lauraine Snelling

This novel is a good one for Christian women, say over fifty years old. It takes readers through the lives of several older women. We see the mundane events of life as well as the catastrophic life changing ones. We sometimes sit with them over coffee and rolls. We sometimes grieve with unexpected loss and rejoice with a second chance at love.

The theme of the novel revolves around unfinished projects (UnFinished Objects – UFOs). Parallel with the unfinished knitting, wood working, needle point, etc., is that we are unfinished people. God is continually working in us. He uses the Word, events and people. It was good to see how people helped each other in this novel, often just by their attentive presence.

There is no mystery in the plot, no suspense. There is no snappy dialogue nor memorable scenes. Snelling just gives readers a good, gentle look into the lives of older women and the friendships they share. A bonus is the illustration of the good that might happen when an idea of getting people together to help each other is pursued.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Lauraine Snelling has been writing since 1980 with over sixty-five books published. She has written both fiction and nonfiction, historical and contemporary, for young readers and adults. She received a Career Achievement Award for inspirational fiction from RT Book Reviews and her books consistently appear on CBA bestseller lists. She and her husband have two grown sons and live in the Tehachapi Mountains in California.

FaithWords, 336 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publishers. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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