Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Haven's Flight by Dena Netherton

This novel set the stage for a good series. Haven is a young teen who witnessed her mother's brutal murder. She is having trouble dealing the the PTSD. Her father sends her to a camp in the Cascade Mountain foothills, hoping the experiences there will help. A storm at the end of the camp precludes leaving but when Haven hears her father has been in an automobile accident, she sneaks out at night with the goal of getting to him. But there is a man out there who has nefarious plans for her. A time of terror begins for Haven.

I felt the initial premise of Haven sneaking out at night, thinking she could find her way to her father, was a little too much. After that first bit of unbelievable action, the novel got better and really exciting. There is a great deal of action and suspense and Haven rises to the occasion. The last half of the book was so good I read it in one sitting.

I have mixed feelings about the “Christian” man who is the villain. He uses the Bible to maintain an iron hold on his family. He is a prime example of using the Bible in the wrong way. He seemed too much to me. Such a man might have been seen a generation ago but it was hard for me to accept him as a real possibility in this day and age in western Washington state.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Haven's life progresses and will be reading the next in the series soon.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Dena Netherton writes Christian romance and Christian suspense. She is active in her church as a musician, leader in Women's Ministry, and director of a women's prayer ministry. She and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest. You can find out more at https://denanetherton.me/ .

Write Integrity Press, 332 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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