Sunday, May 12, 2019

Faith is for Weak People by Ray Comfort

Comfort starts out by reminding us the whole point of working on the questions people ask. It is to save people from the wrath of God. He wants us to keep this in mind while we wrestle with the issues presented. The goal is to present the gospel in an understanding way, not to have an intellectual debate.

This ultimate goal of salvation flows through the book. His style is not academic but rather more like talking to a neighbor. I felt in some cases he did not clearly address the question stated for the chapter. He does not form logical answers that would appeal to the mind but rather discussions that appeal to the heart. He frequently turns to the Ten Commandments to encourage inquirers to admit they are sinners. “There is ample proof for the existence of God,” he writes, “but we have a skeptical jury who loves their sins.” (1632/2575)

Not having all the answers does not bother Comfort. It does not bother him that he does not understand why God does some of the things He does. He encourages readers not to be distracted by by issues such as origins. We are to keep the emphasis on the gospel and sin.

If you are looking for precise answers to twenty questions non-Christians might ask, you will not find them here. You will find a general way to dialogue with people, aiming at their heart rather than their intellect. You will also find lots of questions at the end of the chapters to stimulate discussion.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Ray Comfort is the founder of Living Waters Publications and cohost of the award-winning television program The Way of the Master. He is dedicated to equipping Christians with resources to fulfill the Great Commission. He is the bestselling author of more than 70 books, including The Evidence Bible. He has written for several ministries. He and his wife live in Southern California and have three grown children. You can find out more at .

Baker Books, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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