Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Here Now by Kate Merrick

The question of what matters most hits right between the eyes when we are confronted with the possibility of loss...,” Merrick writes. She shares her thoughts as she was faced with the possible death of her daughter due to cancer and later, the possible of loss of their home to California forest fires. While we may not be able to choose the circumstances, we can choose how we will face life. We can invest in the here and now, not what we had wished for.

Merrick reflects on how we choose to spend our time and where we choose to set our focus. Asking herself what mattered most in such situations caused her to evaluate her habits and interactions. She writes about social media and bringing it into submission. “...[W]e should never choose a screen over a real live person.” (859/2343)

She writes about presence and contentment. She writes about practices like keeping the Sabbath. She shares many stories from their time in Israel while seeking alternative treatment for their daughter. She shares insights from stories in the Bible.

Circumstances formed the catalyst for Merrick to think about being present, about engaging God and people. We can think about these things too and about being right here right now. Reading this book will help us reflect on what matters most right now.

Merrick tells lots of stories about herself. She spends quite some time on the edits she received on her fist book. While she relates it to the edits in life, I wondered if that story and others were really necessary. This would be a good book for readers who like to read much about the author's experiences in self examination and don't mind the lack of practical strategies to incorporate insights into life. The book includes no penetrating questions for discussion nor thought provoking journal prompts.

You can download a chapter and watch the book trailer here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Kate Merrick writes, speaks, and helps plant churches. Although she turned away from social media at one time, you can now find out more and follow her blog at http://kmerrick.com/ .

Thomas Nelson, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

1 comment:

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