Wednesday, May 1, 2019

She Dreams by Tiffany Bluhm Blog Tour

About the Book:

Say Yes to the dreams God has planted in your heart.

Every woman was bor to dream – to live a life of beauty, passion, adventure, and purpose. No matter how big or how small they are, our dreams push us to become women of courage, grace, and grit. God in His goodness breathes new dreams within our hearts and revives the dreams that have died, inviting us to trust Him as we dream impossible dreams that only He can bring to pass – because God not only gives dreams; He fulfills them.

In this six-week study we will look at Moses' journey to live out the God-sized dream given to him, exposing the ancient wisdom and truth God offers for every woman with a dream beating in her heart. With timely truth and encouraging accounts of God's heart and hand in the life og Moses as well as in the lives of ordinary women, author Tiffany Bluhm will dare you to dream the impossible dreams the Lord is stirring in your heart, reclaim any broken dreams, and trust God for the victory. Throughout the study you will identify:

  • The role of prayer as you grow into your dreams.
  • The importance of obedience as you pursue what God has for you.
  • Why your dreams are a blessing not only to you but also to others.
  • How your failures can be a gift that help your dreams become a reality.
  • The life-changing love, power, and wisdom of the Dream Giver.

Get ready to discover the role you are designed and destined to play as you partner with God for the impossible!

In addition to the book, there is a Bible study guide with leader helps and DVD available.

You can find links to purchase, read the first chapter and download the audio of chapter 1 at .


My Review:

This book is full of encouragement to dream big dreams, something bigger than ourselves. The idea is to glorify God and partner with Him. Bluhm deals with many issues dreamers might have to confront. I appreciated her teaching on obstacles, fear, criticism, failure, mentoring, rest, and more. She reminds us that dreams do not always turn out the way we expect. She encourages us to trust God and have a life well lived.

This book is a good one for women who have that feeling there is something more, something greater, for them to do. You will get good encouragement to go for it. Unfortunately, there are no discussion questions included nor practical strategies for discovering the dream and pursuing it. That might be in the separate study guide.

Bluhm's book was a pleasure to read. She has a writing style I liked. As a senior citizen, my favorite quote was, “If you still have a pulse, then God is not done with you, even if you feel like He is.” (57/2100)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author:

Tiffany Bluhm is a speaker and writer who is passionate about helping women come to know their value and purpose. In a style that speaks to women right where they are, she shares insights from a life spent chasing after Jesus while walking alongside women from suburbia to the inner city, jails and brothels, and the slums of Kolkata. She speaks regularly at conferences and events, and writes for a number of websites, print publications, and popular blogs, including the YouVersion Bible app, Deeply Rooted Magazine, and She lives in Tacoma, Washington, with her husband and their two sons. She blogs at You can follow her on Facebook (@TiffanyABluhm) and Twitter (@TiffanyBluhm).

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Read With Audra. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Read With Audra.

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