Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Pages of Her Life by James Rubart Blog Tour

About the Book

Book: The Pages of Her Life  
Author: James L. Rubart  
Genre: Christian fiction – suspense  
Release Date: May 21, 2019  

Award-winning and bestselling author James L. Rubart explores the way our memories shape us . . . and how they affect our beliefs. Allison Moore has no idea why she got out of her car on that rainy March afternoon and picked up the soaked journal laying on the side of the road. Brought it home. But she did. It was empty. Except for two lines scrawled in the front, too washed out to read. And a Jesus emblem inside the back cover. Something about the journal compels her to start writing in it, capturing thoughts about her newly acquired job that she thought would be heaven, but has turned into hell. Then one day, she finds words in the center of the journal. Words she didn’t write: Mene mene tekel upharsin. After her heart stops hammering, Allison Googles the phrase, and reads the story of Belshazzar’s Feast, where a hand from God writes on the wall, and the king is slain. Fear grips her, certain God is coming after her for what she did twelve years back. What she’s done wrong her whole life. She vows to make things right. Then she discovers more phrases appearing underneath each of her journal entries. Those phrases take her on an emotional roller coaster that forces her to look at everything she believes about her past in a new light, and opens her eyes to a supernatural realm of staggering consequence.

Click here to purchase a copy of the book.

My Review

Rubart has the unique skill of imagining possible ways God might work in a person. Each of his novels is an adventure in seeing God and his angels busy in the transformation process. In this one, a mysterious journal helps the main character, Allison, see her true character and who God wants her to be. A secondary character is her brother. God uses a stint on a fishing boat in Alaska to expose his character and cause transformation. Several issues are covered in these two stories, including living up to parental expectations and seeking parental approval, knowing one's own worth, “religious” and phony Christianity, and a few more.

This novel is character driven. There is no driving plot. In fact, it took me a while to get into the story. The strength of the novel is found in the character revelations and transformations and the bold actions that come from them. I would not call this book a page turner but when I got to the end I was so glad I read the book. There is a great deal of thought provoking content included.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

James L. Rubart is a professional marketer and speaker. He is the author of the best-selling novel Rooms as well as Book of Days, The Chair, Soul’s Gate, Memory’s Door, and Spirit Bridge. He lives with his wife and sons in the Pacific Northwest. Website: www.jameslrubart.com Twitter: @jameslrubart Facebook: JamesLRubart  

Blog Stops

Genesis 5020, May 23
Bigreadersite, May 24
amandainpa, May 27
Hallie Reads, May 28
Mary Hake, June 4
Remembrancy, June 8
Livin’ Lit, June 9

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.


  1. This one has me intrigued. The other books by Rubart I've read have all been thought-provoking but a little strange. ;) This one sounds like he's continuing the tradition. But I do love character-driven stories, so I'm excited about this giveaway!

  2. Mr. Rubart's stories are very thought provoking. I'm excited to read this one!
