Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Biblical Spirituality

This is an informative book about what Scripture, major authors and several Christian traditions teach about the pursuit of holiness. (3723/4980) The first several contributors generally review portions of Scripture, Old Testament, writings of Paul, etc. Next, the writings of major theologians such as Luther and Calvin are explored. Then the writings of many, such as John Owen and Charles Wesley, are covered. Lastly the movements of the last century, such as the Charismatic and spiritual formation movements, are reviewed.

There is a wealth of information included in the book and this would make a fine textbook for a Bible college class or something similar. Readers would become aware of important Bible passages and theologians who have written on the subject. They would also receive a good overview of what various traditions of Christianity have taught over the centuries. The footnotes would give readers lots of resources to consult to study further.

I was disappointed the emphasis of the book was knowledge and not implementing the truths given. There is no practical strategy provided by the contributors. The spiritual disciplines are mentioned, following the works of Richard Foster. There is also a foot note to encourage readers to consult Donald S. Whitey's books to learn how to engage in some of the spiritual practices. (4286/4980) Interestingly, the only specific strategy given is on good nutrition, proper rest, sleep, lust, gluttony, and sloth. Principles are also given for integrating spirituality and work.

This book would be a good resource for pastors and teachers but is not so practical for the general layperson.

You can see the Table of Contents and download an excerpt here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Contributors include Christopher W. Morgan (series editor), Gregg R. Allison, Anthony L. Chute, Gregory C. Cochran, Nathan A. Finn, George H. Guthrie, Paul R. House, Justin L. McLendon, Charles L. Quarles, Benjamin M. Skaug.

Crossway, 304 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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