Monday, June 24, 2019

Love Lock by Rich Rollins and Marty Trammell

Is it possible that certain actions and behaviors could actually increase love between spouses? The authors, after years of counseling marriage partners, are convinced we love for reasons. We can provide those reasons to be loved. In fact, we should not expect unconditional love without providing the appropriate reasons to be loved in such a way. (110/1865) We can strengthen the love in a marriage and this book provides the knowledge to do so.

This is a very encouraging and practical book. The authors cover a number of topics such as, conflict, personality differences, listening, and demonstrating affection. The topics are ones spouses face in the course of marriage in general and ones that come up when there has been a break in trust. I was especially pleased that the authors wrote about elements of Christian faith and practice that strengthen marriages.

The authors include lots of practical exercises dealing with how to grow in loving another as well as how to grow in being lovable. Often the exercises include writing thoughts down and then discussing them. I think the strength of the book is the practical exercises and steps given at the end of each chapter. They are exercises the authors have seen work in their marriage counseling.

This is a powerful little book. It contains a wealth of information for couples wanting to lock in the love they have for each other.

You can find out more about the book and read an excerpt here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Rich Rollins, D.Min. Co-author of Redeeming Relationships and Spiritual Fitness, served as Executive Pastor at Valley Bible Church for over two decades, has appeared on Family Life Today with Dennis Rainey and served as a healthcare professional, college Vice-President and church consultant. For more than forty years, Rich’s work on relational conflict and spiritual growth has made him a sought-after counselor and conference speaker. Rich has also served as director and announcer for Truth for Today, a radio program featuring Valley Bible Church. He has written articles for Focus on the Family’s online magazine. Dr. Rollins has also been the key note speaker at over twenty Family and Marriage conferences.
Rich and his wife, LouAnna, live in Southern California. They have been married for over fifty-four years. They have two daughters and sons-in-law, three grand-children, and two foster daughters.
Marty Trammell, Ph.D., is the author of Communication Matters and co-author of Redeeming Relationships and Spiritual Fitness. He serves as Worship and Family Pastor at Valley Baptist and as a professor of Communication at Corban University where students call him “Dr. Love.” With his wife and best friend, Linda, Marty has ministered for over 30 years to hundreds of couples in conferences, retreats and pre-marital counseling sessions. He has written for Zondervan, Tyndale, Moody and others and writes regularly for and Marty and Linda have three sons and two daughters-in-law who encourage their pursuit of the Father and help them enjoy sports, camping and family road trips.

CrossLink Publishing, 159 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Book Publicity Services. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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