Sunday, June 16, 2019

Starting Now by Crystal Chiang and Gerald Fadayomi

Starting college can be a confusing time. Young people are in a new environment with new people and new challenges. This book helps beginning college students navigate issues they'll face, encouraging them become the people they want to be. The format covers 30 days, six weeks with five daily readings. Each reading includes perceptive comments and thought provoking questions with space to journal.

Week One is about creating a supportive team. The authors write about establishing relationships and gathering people around you who will help you become the person you want to be. Week Two is about identity. It covers concepts like being in Christ, not being bound by the past, challenges, failing and developing character traits. Week Three is about faith. Readers are asked to think about spiritual habits, doubts, and rethinking faith. Week Four is about integrity. The relationship of beliefs and values and actions is explored. Week Five is about freedom. The wisdom needed to make right choices in the face of temptation is covered. Readers are encouraged to let God restore and be a new creation every morning. Week Six encourages service. Being made for God's purpose of doing good and what that might look like is explored.

I like this book. While many books for college kids deal with career choices, this one really concentrates on character development. That is so important when young people are placed in a new environment with new freedoms and choices to make. The decisions readers make while working through this book will have a great impact on who they will be for the rest of their lives. The authors have included a bit of crazy humor I think young people will enjoy.

Food for thought: “One of the best things about starting a new phase of life is you get to decide what kind of person you want to be, starting now.” (74)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Crystal Chiang is the executive director of student curriculums Orange. She is the co-author of The Art of Group Talk: How to Lead Better Conversations with Teenage Girls, a resource for small group leaders (Orange Books). You can find out more at .
Gerald Fadayomi is an Atlanta-based communicator with a passion for inspiring students to have an active faith. He has spoken to students at camps and conferences across the country. He previously authored Before You Go: Following Jesus and Growing in Your Faith After High School (Orange Books). You can find out more at .

Orange Books, 296 pages. You can find out more about the publisher at .

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Zilker Media. My comments are an honest and independent review.

1 comment:

  1. This does sound like a really good book. Rather than just let things happen, a college student can help cultivate the relationships and character of what they esteem to be!
