Thursday, July 11, 2019

Cold Aim by Janice Cantore

I really liked this novel. I don't know which was better, the plot or the characters. The plot could be out of today's newspaper. The FBI is investigating a man trafficking young women and desires to shelter their star witness in a safe place. Chief Tess O'Rourke is unsure her remote Oregon town is the right place. She finds out all too soon that her instincts about a dangerous situation were all too true.

And the characters. I really liked Tess, chief of police. She is dedicated to her job of protecting others. Her responsibility weighs heavy on her. She will not let a crime go until she has given it all she can. She's been hurt in the past and has issues about trusting God.

Oliver is such a great pastor, comforting the devastated and faithfully vising a prisoner. He knows no one of beyond redemption and sees hope when others only see hopelessness. What faith he has in God's redeeming grace and love.

I like that the hint of romance in the novel is subtle and takes a back seat to the danger and suspense permeating the novel. There is a strong spiritual aspect to the novel, fitting well into the progressive action.

A relevant plot, great characters, a good deal of intrigue and suspense, an unexpected twist at the end, all the elements of a good romantic suspense.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Janice Cantore is a former Long Beach, California, police officer of twenty-two years. She now lives in a small town in southern Oregon. She has written several romantic suspense novels. You can find out more at

Tyndale House Publishers, 384 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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