Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Talk the Walk by Steve Brown

Steve Brown has reached the age where he feels comfortable sharing his thoughts no matter what others think. (1450/2386) That's exactly what he does here.

Brown is convinced Christian faith is true but he is also convinced Christians do not have to be insufferable about it. Many Christians push truth and end up waving a red flag in front of a raging bull. Christians know how to be self-righteous, he says. Brown reminds us about the more important characteristics of humility, love, and forgiveness.

I found many welcome surprises in this book. Brown writes that Christians are not called to be fixers. (364/2386) We're not here to fix others, fix our culture, fix our nation. We do bring our witness to the world but the results are up to God. Brown is strong on God's sovereignty. God's in charge and we need not worry so much. We can love our neighbor well while not constantly worrying about how to share the gospel with them. God's got it.

Brown identifies the presupposition of his book: Christians are called to speak truth, often to people who do not want to hear it. (381/2386) One's heart attitude in communicating and living truth is so important. Be honest in life, Brown encourages. “When Christians hide their pain, they do not have a message to give.” (1865/2386) Be real to neighbors and let them see and inquire about the life and truth within.

I really like this book. He tells great stories on himself and others to illustrate how Christians can be more irritating to others than salt and light. This book is a wake up call to Christians, challenging our honesty and effectiveness in being like Christ. Many self-righteous Christians may not like this book. It might undermine their drive to be the savior of the declining culture or the declining nation. It might make them think again about what they really believe about God and what He is doing in the world.

I think this book needs to be read by every Christian. You'll be challenged. You might feel uncomfortable as Brown will encourage you to rethink how to live your witness in the world. Perhaps most interesting of all, you'll learn a little Latin too.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Steve Brown is the founder of Key Life Network, Inc., the Bible teacher on the radio program Key Life and host of the talk show Steve Brown, Etc. He was a pastor for more than thirty years and continues speaking extensively. He is the author of many books. He and his wife have two married daughters and live in Orlando, Florida.

New Growth Press, 160 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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