Saturday, July 6, 2019

When You Need to Move a Mountain by Linda Evans Shepherd

Shepherd has written a very good book on prayer. There is information in it I have not seen any where else. She writes from her own experience, having seen God answer prayers miraculously yet also having experienced the pain of God not doing that for which she had prayed.

I had no idea there were so many kinds of intercessors. Shepherd has spoken to many called to pray and assessed their different focus. I had no idea there were so many prayer styles. Some might pray from a specific list while others wait to hear the Holy Spirit stir them to prayer. And there are so many reasons to pray and places at which to pray.

Shepherd uses a combination of stories from the Bible, those from her own life and those of others to illustrate her teaching. She has many encouraging stories of answers to prayer. She also has sensitive teaching coming from her own experience when God did not provide the answer she was praying for.

I like the sample prayers she includes. They provide a good example of how particular prayers are made, whether claiming promises, dealing with past hurts, interceding for others, or a number of other types of prayers.

This is a very good book on prayer rising from the author's own experience and the experiences of others. I have read many books on prayer yet found new and important material in this one. I highly recommend it to readers who are looking for teaching and encouragement in prayer.

You can watch the book trailer here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Linda Evans Shepherd is an award-winning author, a successful speaker, and a media personality. She is the president of Right to the Heart Ministries and the author of several books. She lives in Colorado. You can find out more at

Revell, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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