Thursday, August 29, 2019

Fire by James Levesque

Revival is the only hope for America,” Levesque writes. (19) There is great opportunity for the Church today. “This is the greatest hour the church has known,” he says. (24) The greatest revivals and awakenings have yet to take place. (28)

But revival will not happen without fire. “We were never meant to live Christianity without God's fire.” (18) Levesque explains what the fire of God is, how to revive it and how to keep it burning. He covers a number of principles, using biblical stories and teaching.

This is a great book for charismatic Christians. How have we lost the fire of the revivals from the past? Why do we settle for tongues when there is so much more God has for us? Levesque wants to shake up Christians and he does so in this book.

This is an encouraging book. Levesque calls Christians to task. Like he says, we have been sitting around doing Bible studies, watching videos but not doing what Jesus said, witnessing to the lost and seeing souls saved. (109) God did not give us power and authority so we can sing songs about Him or make posts on Facebook about His power. (11)

If you are ready to live for Jesus like never before, this book just might be the encouragement you need to get going.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

James Levesque is an international speaker, church planter and young emerging apostolic voice in New England and Across America. He and his wife have three children and pastor Engaging Heaven Church in New London, Connecticut.

Chosen, 176 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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