Saturday, August 17, 2019

Gangster Prayer by Autumn Miles

If you are a Christian and feel your prayer life is stale or weak or none existent, read this book. Miles will light a fire under you, infusing passion for prayer into your very being.

The title might seem odd but is comes from the dedication a gangster has to evil. Miles wants to see that same kind of dedication in Christians toward prayer. I like her definition of gangster prayer: “intentional, tenacious, relentless communication with God that focuses on His might as the source for the answers we seek and on the gospel of Jesus Christ, which gives us access to 'that power.'” (Loc 109/2348)

I have read a ton of books on prayer but this one inspired me like no others have. Rather than an emphasis on technique, Miles writes of prayer as our means of communication with God. If we neglect it, the Holy Spirit may be present in us but we lose His “presence” in us. (243/2348) His power and influence in us will be reduced.

Her encouragement in prayer is great. Her chapter on persistence was awesome. I like her explanation of why, even though we assume God is willing to answer our prayers, He does not answer the way we expected. “Your character is more important than your request.” (1848/2348)

Miles advocates aggressive prayer. None of this “if it be Your will” attitude. We are to pray in faith, believing God will act. That was hard for this Christian with a high view of God's sovereignty. I also had a little trouble distinguishing between Miles' encouragement to be specific in our requests (not pray something general like “bless Martha today”), yet later saying we are not to be so specific (such as praying for a future husband with particular characteristics).

Nonetheless, a very good book on prayer. You'll not find specific techniques but you will certainly be set on fire to communicate with God more.

Food for thought: “The results of prayer are up to God, but abiding by the principles of prayer are up to us.” (101/2348)

You can read chapter one here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Autumn Miles is the founder of Autumn Miles Ministries, an organization devoted to spiritually challenging the way women think. She produces regular inspirational content for her over 120,000 Facebook followers in addition to speaking at conferences nationwide. She is also the host of The Autumn Miles Show, a radio talk show and podcast. As a survivor of domestic abuse, she has shared her story in many media outlets including major newspapers, magazines, and television programs. She is the author of two previous books. She and her husband have four children and live in Dallas, Texas. You can find out more at .

Worthy Books, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egally of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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