Sunday, August 11, 2019

Standing Together by Carlos Evans and Rosemarie Evans with Cecil Murphey Blog Tour

About the Book:

A true story of hope and courage in the face of astonishing challenges

During his fourth deployment, US Marine Corps Sergeant Carlos Evans stepped on an IED--and the loss of both legs and his left hand was just the beginning of the struggle for his life.

For the next two years, he and his wife, Rosemarie, went through the rehabilitation process together. As a nurse and mother of two young children, Rosemarie was used to caring for people, but the task of taking care of her triple-amputee husband brought new challenges every day. In addition to his limb loss, Carlos faced PTSD and developed an addiction to painkillers. He was sure Rosemarie's life would be better without him--and that it might have been better if he hadn't survived at all.

But unlike the majority of marriages put under similar strain, Carlos and Rosemarie stayed together. With the help of family, friends, and--most importantly--a strong faith, they've built a solid marriage and discovered a ministry they never expected. By the hand of God, their story, which began in devastation, has turned into one that draws in and lifts up more people than either of them would ever have dreamed.

Not only will disabled veterans and their loved ones find help here, Carlos and Rosemarie's captivating journey also speaks to those who long for stronger marriages, care for loved ones with disabilities, or are facing a new normal in their own lives, small or large. It is a powerful resource for leaning on God in the midst of life's great difficulties--and for finding ways that, through faith, profound loss can bring incredible blessing.

My Review:

This is an amazing story told well. Carlos and Rosemarie honestly share their struggles, doubts and victories. Rosemarie shares her struggle of wanting to be with Carlos during recovery yet having to be away from her daughters. Carlos shares his struggle of trying to understand who he would be after becoming a triple amputee. There was also the issue of addiction to the pain killers and the miracle of God's intervention.

This is a very good book for readers who want to understand how wounded veterans survive tragedy and make lives for themselves. The importance of their faith comes through loud and clear. Be prepared to read about the tough times when setbacks challenged their courage and faith. Be encouraged to read about the ministries coming alongside, helping Carlos and his family thrive again.

Carlos writes about his experience skiing. If you'd like to see the video, you can do so here.

You can watch an interview here.

My rating: 4/5 stars

About the Authors:

Carlos R. Evans is a minister with the Assemblies of God USA, a Wounded Warrior spokesman, and a motivational speaker. He served in the Marine Corps for eight years.
Rosemarie Evans, an experienced nurse, is now a full-time caregiver and student working toward a master’s degree in marriage and family from Liberty University.
Carlos and Rosemarie live in Orlando, Florida.
Learn more about Carlos and Rosemarie Evans at as well as on Facebook (CR Evans)Instagram (@crevans923) and Twitter (@crevans923).

Kregel, 250 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Read With Audra. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Read With Audra.

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