Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Angels Among Us by Perry Stone

This is a good book for Christians who are not very familiar with what the Bible says about angels. Stone covers angelic accounts in the Bible and shares many modern day stories of angels too. He has good teaching on the kinds of missions angels complete. He answers many questions about angels, such as whether we have guardian angels, how to recognize angels, and why we need messages from angels even though we have the Bible.

Even if you've read many books on angels, there may be new insights in this one. I found that to be the case for me. I had not given much thought to why we cannot regularly see spirit beings. Stone reminds us the Bible indicated humans have some type of veil or covering over our eyes preventing us from seeing spirit beings, such as angels. Elisha's servant having his eyes opened to see the chariots in 2 Kings 6 is a good example. He suggests the veil might be a part of our sin nature and that it was initiated at the Fall. (Loc 476/1467) Another insight new to me was just the reality that the Holy Spirit works on the inside of us and angels work through outward circumstances. (Loc 1440/1467)

This may be a small book but it contains lots of useful information on angels.

This book was previously published as This Season of Angels (2018).

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Perry Stone is the bestselling author of a number of books and directs one of America's fastest growing ministries, the Voice of Evangelism. He holds a BA in theology from Covenant Life Christian College and lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, with his wife.

FaithWords, 128 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the Publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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