Monday, September 2, 2019

Waiting For God By Xochitl Dixon Blog Tour


About the Book

Book: Waiting for God
Author: Xochitl Dixon
Genre: Non-Fiction, Devotional
Release Date: August 7, 2019

Inhale God’s Word. Exhale in prayer. Rest in God’s love.

If your heart is weary and longing for answers—for healing, for provision, for miracles—Waiting for God renews your hope with strong biblical truth and encouraging Scripture-based prayer.

Conquer your fears and frustrations as you inhale God’s Word, exhale in prayer, and rest in God’s love. Live a life of deeper connection and immediate communion with God that can lead to contentment in His constant presence, no matter what your days hold or how long God’s deliberate delays may last.

Xochitl Dixon writes each chapter with heart-touching transparency and vulnerability, as she shares her own story as well as the stories of others who are trusting God through waiting seasons with no apparent end in sight. As a woman who lives with chronic pain, Xochitl understands constant struggle yet chooses to put God on the throne of her life.

Click here to purchase your copy.

My Review

This book is a good collection of 31 devotionals. Dixon writes from her own experiences of trusting God in times of continuing pain and loss. She also includes stories of others waiting for God to move. The devotions deal with tough subjects yet are very encouraging. It is faith building to see how others remain faithful to God during tough times.

My favorite aspect of this book is the material Dixon provides at the end of each reading. There is a Scripture to inhale and a prayer to exhale. Then there are thought provoking questions for reflection. She also provides a place on her website for readers to continue the discussion.

This is a great devotional for people going through a time of pain or loss.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Xochitl (So-Cheel) E. Dixon has a heart for loving God and people. She’s passionate about intercessory prayer, nurturing spiritual growth, and the prayerful study and application of Scripture. Through her daily struggles with chronic pain, due to an upper back injury she endured in 1992, she writes with transparency, ministers to the hurting, and inspires hope through worshiping God in all circumstances. She serves as a regular contributor to Our Daily Bread (, a ministry devoted to making “the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.” Her devotional, Waiting for God: Trusting Daily in God’s Plan and Pace (Discovery House Publishers) is available for pre-order and releases August 7, 2019. She is a contributing author for the upcoming Our Daily Bread devotionals: What Really Matters (August 7, 2019), And He Walks with Me (October 2, 2019), and Moments of Peace for Moms (October 2, 2019). Her devotions have also been included in All God’s Creatures (Guideposts, 2019), God Hears Her (Discovery House, 2017), Our Help (Discovery House, 2017), and This Far by Faith: Legacies of the Black Church (Discovery House, 2017). Her nonfiction has been published in My Amazing Mom (Chicken Soup for the Soul, 2018), Second-Chance Dogs (Revell, 2018), LIVE Magazine (2019), and Church Health Reader (2019). She followed God from California to Wisconsin and is enjoying Midwest adventures with her best friend and husband of over 25 years, Dr. W. Alan Dixon, Sr. She loves their sons, A.J. and Xavier, spoils her service dog, Callie, and likes serving as a speaker, traveling, photography, reading, singing, sketching, studying Scripture, and nurturing authentic relationships. Xochitl connects with readers and shares encouragement devotions, prayer, and Scripture-based memes on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and on her blog at You can also follow her Author Page on Amazon’s Author Central.

More from Xochitl

“Never pray for patience.”
My friend’s warning pricked at the back of my mind. Without realizing it, I began lacing my prayers with fear, doubt, and caution. I couldn’t risk being thrust into situations that would force me to develop patience, so I did everything in my power to avoid asking the Lord to help me be patient. But even when I didn’t ask Him to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in me, I always seemed to end up in circumstances that stretched my faith as much as my patience. When my agent challenged me to write the book I had to write, I pitched Waiting for God: Trusting Daily in God’s Plan and Pace. I thought I’d be sharing tips about how to persevere through trials and endure suffering with grace. But after I signed the contract and received a deadline for my manuscript, my husband received an unexpected job offer. We followed the Lord from California to Wisconsin. Writing became a challenge as I suffered a setback in my healing journey. I endured high levels of pain and fatigue. My husband and I struggled with frustration as we adjusted to life in the Midwest during one of the coldest winters in history. And God changed my perspective on waiting for Him, which has nothing to do with patience. I’ll be sharing my answers to the end-of-chapter questions on my blog ( I’m excited to invite you to join the adventure. I look forward to growing with you as we wait for God, inhaling His Word, exhaling in prayer, and resting in His love as we trust daily in His plan and pace.

Blog Stops

April Hayman, Author, September 3
Genesis 5020, September 4
A Diva's Heart, September 4
AndreaChristenson, September 6
Kelly Harrel, September 7
Mary Hake, September 7
Just the Write Escape, September 10
Texas Book-aholic, September 12
A Reader's Brain, September 13
janicesbookreviews, September 13
Inklings and notions, September 14
Cultivating Us, September 15
God is Love, September 15

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.


  1. Thanks for helping me spread the word about Waiting for God. I appreciate you taking time to read and review this devotional and am looking forward to connecting with you and your readers. To God be the glory! In His service, Xochitl Dixon

  2. Really enjoyed this devotional! God IS faithful, in good times and hard!

  3., I appreciate your kind words. You are so right! God is definitely faithful. Whether times are good or hard, we can count on Him to remain true to His Word and His character. Hallelujah!

  4. This sounds good! We all need this kind of encouragement.

  5. Wonderful review! Thank you for being part of the tour.

  6. Good Morning! Thank you for the book description.These tours are great and we have found some terrific books so thanks so  much.
