Friday, November 29, 2019

Dreams Deferred by June Foster

I liked this Christian romance novella with an unusual plot line. Matt is a Catholic priest and has taken vows of celibacy. But when his attention is captured by a beautiful young woman while he is saying mass, he is faced with a dilemma.

I am not Catholic so this novella interested me. How was Foster going to solve this immense obstacle to romance? I think she did a fine job.

I liked that she included some interesting issues in the plot. One was expectations from parents. Matt was a priest mostly because it was expected of him by his devout father. Another issue was the presentation of the gospel. Matt had experienced saving grace and freely helped others experience it too. One more issue was Matt hearing from God and doing what he really felt God was calling him to do, even if it meant forsaking previous commitments.

This is a good novella with engaging characters and an unusual plot for romance. Foster's writing style is a pleasure to read. That this novella was based on the true experience of Foster's great grandparents is a plus.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

June Foster is an award winning author and a retired teacher with a BA in Education and MA in counseling. She is the mother of two and grandmother of ten. She began writing Christian romances in 2010 as she and her husband traveled the US in their RV. She enjoys writing stories about characters who overcome the circumstances in their lives by the power of God and His Word. You can find out more at

Forget Me Not Romances, 137 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this novella from the author. My comments are an independent and honest review.

1 comment:

  1. Joan, thank you so much for taking the time to read Dreams Deferred. Since I didn't have a lot of the real life facts about Matt and Mary Louise's romance, it was fun imagining how they might've fallen in love. The Lord's blessings.
