Saturday, November 9, 2019

Glimpses of God, A Winter Devotional for Women Blog Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Book: Glimpses of God, A Winter Devotional for Women
Author: Shirley Crowder & Harried Michael
Genre: Non-fiction, Christian devotional
Release Date: November 6, 2019

As Christ-followers we also experience spiritual seasons. These seasons do not come in order like seasons in nature, which come regularly without fail. Each spiritual season we experience is defined by certain features also. In spiritual winter we think of the coldness of our relationship with God; in spring, new growth; in summer, warmth and heat; in fall, shedding the old and preparing for difficult days ahead.

This book is focused on winter—both calendar and spiritual. During our spiritual winters, when it feels as though God is far away or we feel stuck or dormant, we must rest in the truth of God’s sovereign mercy, grace, love, and care for His children. It is the first in the Glimpses of God” series.

Click here to get your copy.

My Review

The authors have provided a good collection of encouraging devotions. Each one begins with a short Scripture to read, then includes a personal story and ends with a prayer and thought for the day. Both authors were born in Nigeria and some of their stories include the unusual aspect of insights from Africa.

This collection of devotions is good for the winter months. Some center on snow experiences while others are about hymns. Many share family events while others dwell on love. Each of them contains encouragement for the dark times we go through.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Authors

Shirley is passionate about disciple-making, which is conducted in and through a myriad of ministry opportunities that include biblical counseling, teaching Bible studies, and writing. She is Biblical counselor commissioned by, and serving on the national Advisory Team for, The Addiction Connection. She is co-host of “Think on These Things,” a Birmingham AL radio/TV program for women; and a freelance writer.

Harriet is a wife and mother to four grown children and grandmother to two precious grandchildren. She has authored a growing number of books, including “Prayer: It’s Not About You”, a finalist in the 2011 “Women of Faith” manuscript contest. She is also a freelance writer with numerous published pieces, including more than a hundred devotions in various magazines.

More from Shirley and Harriet

From Africa to America, Life Long Friends March 14, many years ago … In the heart of the African jungle in the Niger River delta of eastern Nigeria, the first cry of a newborn baby echoes from a small jungle hospital. The baby is a girl, Harriet Clarice, the third child of medical missionaries, Alice and Keith Edwards. Harriet and her family stayed in this remote part of Nigeria for a year until the other family returned from furlough. At that time, they went for another year to Oyo, Nigeria to language school and then on to Ogbomoso in central Nigeria, where they stayed the next ten years. Keith practiced medicine at the hospital in Ogbomoso, and Alice worked with him as a nurse.   October 24 of the same year Harriet was born … Deep in the Yoruba country of southwestern Nigeria, some 260 miles away from Joinkrama, piercing through the tropical night sounds, the first cry of another newborn baby cries out at a guesthouse in Ogbomoso. This baby is also a girl, Shirley Jeanne, the fourth child of missionaries Jeannie and Ray Crowder. In 1962 the Crowders moved to Ogbomoso. Ray served as administrator of the 96-bed hospital, and Jeannie taught kindergarten and ministered to the Nigerian women with home visits and Bible studies. Harriet’s parents worked at the Ogbomoso hospital with Ray.   Lifelong friends Harriet ended up living just up the dirt road from Shirley. They played together nearly every day and formed a friendship that remained, even after years and distance separated them. Harriet and Shirley, and the others in this unique group of individuals, who shared a common childhood in Nigeria in our beloved tropical homeland half a world away from where most of us live now, grew up calling each other’s parents aunt and uncle. Even as adults, we still feel a kinship as though we are family—cousins perhaps. Some years ago, at a mission reunion, Shirley handed Harriet a book to which she had contributed. That was the first time Harriet knew she was a writer. Shirley had discovered a few years earlier that Harriet was a writer, too. Several years ago, Shirley suggested that they prayerfully consider writing a devotional book together. Through that experience, they learned that they work well together. Their similar understanding and views on scripture is a good foundation for the different strengths each of us bring when it comes to writing. Since that first book, we have worked and continue to work together on other projects. Glimpses of God: a winter devotional for women is the first of a 4-book devotional series. Through our devotionals we want people to see Glimpses of God all around them. Creator God made the world and the seasons throughout the year. By using the seasons in nature, we help readers see correlations to the spiritual seasons Christ-followers experience and to get “Glimpses of God” in and through everything that happens. So, we guess it could be said that we are once again “playing” with our childhood friend in spite of several decades having passed since they played together happily beneath the shade of mango trees.

Blog Stops

The Power of Words, November 10
Artistic Nobody, November 11 (Author Interview)
Jacquelyn Lynn, November 11
Sara Jane Jacobs, November 13
CarpeDiem, November 17
Texas Book-aholic, November 19
janicesbookreviews, November 20
A Reader's Brain, November 21


To celebrate their tour, Harriet and Shirley are giving away the grand prize package of a copy of the book and a $25 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.


  1. The cover is so appealing! Sounds like a great way to find encouragement during the winter!

  2. I love devotionals and this looks to be very inspiring. Thanks for your review and for taking part in this tour.

  3. My mother in law sends a devotional message to us every morning. This would be a nice gift for her.

  4. This devotional sounds wonderful! Thank you for being part of the tour.

  5. This book sounds amazing and I love the cover. Sounds like something I could use in my life at this moment in time.

  6. This sounds good! I have a nephew in Nigeria right now, so it would be especially interesting.

  7. Thank you for your kind comments. May the Lord be glorified in and through our devos!

  8. I really appreciate getting to read about your book since I have so many in my family who are huge readers. Thanks for sharing  and for the giveaway.

  9. This would be a wonderful gift for my daughter who is a busy mother.

  10. This sounds like a great devotional, thanks for the chance.

  11. Very encouraging. Great devotional. Thank you for sharing.
