Monday, November 11, 2019

Smoke Screen by Terri Blackstock Blog Tour

About the Book

Book: Smoke Screen
Author: Terri Blackstock
Genre:  Christian Suspense
Release Date: November 5, 2019

One father was murdered, and another convicted of his death. All because their children fell in love.

Nate Beckett has spent his life fighting wildfires instead of the lies and rumors that drove him from his Colorado home town. His mother begs him to come to Carlisle now that his father has been released from prison, but it isn’t until he’s sidelined by an injury that he’s forced to return and face his past. But that means facing Brenna too.

Fourteen years ago, Nate was in love with the preacher’s daughter. When Pastor Strickland discovered Brenna had defied him to sneak out with Nate, the fight between Strickland and Nate’s drunken dad was loud—and very public. Strickland was found murdered later that night, and everyone accused Roy Beckett. When the church burned down, people assumed it was Nate getting even for his father’s conviction. He let the rumors fly and left Carlisle without looking back.

Now, Brenna is stunned to learn that the man convicted of murdering her father has been pardoned. The events of that night set her life on a bad course, and she’s dealing with a brutal custody battle with her ex and his new wife where he’s using lies and his family’s money to sway the judge. She’s barely hanging on, and she’s turned to alcohol to cope. Shame and fear consume her.

As they deal with the present—including new information about that fateful night and a wildfire that’s threatening their town—their past keeps igniting. Nate is the steady force Brenna has so desperately needed. But she’ll have to learn to trust him again first.

Click here to get your copy.

My Review

This novel was a bit different from the romantic suspense I was expecting from Blackstock. The plot was more of a character study and really had no suspense. I had trouble liking Breanna, the lead female character. I do like characters to have flaws but Breanna's were a bit much. She lacked that hint of core strength in the midst of turmoil. And Nate was puzzling to me. He looked past all of Breanna's faults to love her yet could not see past his own father's hurt and disappointment to forgive him. Neither of the characters grabbed me.

The plot had some interesting aspects to it. I enjoyed learning about fighting forest fires. The conflict Breanna had with her ex-husband over custody of the children was the main thread through the plot. There was not much suspense involved there and the bit of mystery in the novel just sort of solved itself without much work.

This would be a novel for readers who enjoy a distraught female character coming to grips with her faults and a male character love struck enough to be by her side through the experience. Readers who are looking for the suspense Blackstock is known for will not find it here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Terri Blackstock has sold over seven million books worldwide and is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author. She is the award-winning author of InterventionVicious Cycle, and Downfall, as well as such series as Cape Refuge, Newpointe 911, the SunCoast Chronicles, and the Restoration Series. Visit her website at; Facebook: tblackstock; Twitter: @terriblackstock  

Excerpt from Smoke Screen

 I woke up in a blinding bright room, my clothes off and something clamped to my face. I tried to reach it, but I couldn’t bend my right arm, and my hand stung. An IV was taped to my other hand, but I moved carefully and touched the thing over my face.
 An oxygen mask. I tried to sit up. “What happened?”
 T-bird came to my bedside, a sheen of smoky sweat still soiling his face. “Nate, lie back, man.”
 “The fire,” I said. “Need to get back. My men.”
 “They’re still there. Making progress. But you’re not going anywhere near a fire for a month or so.”
 I took the mask off and coughed a little, but managed to catch my breath. “A month?”
 “Yep. Second degree burns on 20 percent of your body. Some of the burns are deep.”
 It came back to me, the event that had gotten me here.
 “The family. Were they injured?”
 “Not a scratch or burn. Turns out it was a U.S. Senator from Kansas. He says you’re a hero.”
 “You know I had no choice. They were in the path—”
 “Take the praise where you can get it, man. We don’t get that much.”
 I looked at my right side. My right arm was bandaged, and so was my side and down my right leg to the point where my boots had stopped the flames. Second degree wasn’t so bad, I told myself. Third degree would have been brutal. I’d be able to leave the hospital soon. I’d heal.
 “I won’t need a month,” I said.
 “Yes, you will. They can’t let you go back. Doctor’s orders. You’re grounded until he releases you.”
 I managed to sit up, but it was a bad idea. The burns pulling on my skin reminded me why I shouldn’t. “I can’t be grounded during fire season. Are you crazy? I need to be there. You don’t have enough men as it is.”
 “Sorry, Nate. It is what it is. Why don’t you go home to Carlisle for a while? Take it easy.”
 Go home? Pop had just been pardoned, and he and my mom were trying to navigate the reunion. Though she would love to have me home, I didn’t know if I was up to it. My father could be challenging, and fourteen years of prison hadn’t done him any favors.   Taken from “Smoke Screen” by Terri Blackstock. Copyright © 2019 by Terri Blackstock. Used by permission of

Blog Stops

As He Leads is Joy, November 9
Sara Jane Jacobs, November 9
CarpeDiem, November 9
Fiction Aficionado, November 10
KarenSueHadley, November 10
Quiet quilter, November 10
Among the Reads, November 11
Genesis 5020, November 11
A Reader's Brain, November 11
Robin's Nest, November 12
All-of-a-kind Mom, November 12
Bigreadersite , November 12
Blogging With Carol , November 12
Betti Mace, November 13
Spoken from the Heart, November 13
D'S QUILTS & BOOKS, November 13
Emily Yager, November 13
By The Book, November 14
For Him and My Family, November 14
A Baker's Perspective, November 14
Splashes of Joy , November 14
Andrea Christenson, November 15
Just the Write Escape, November 16
Mary Hake, November 16
Remembrancy, November 17
Simple Harvest Reads, November 17 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)
EmpowerMoms, November 17
Bloggin' 'bout Books, November 17
Blessed & Bookish, November 18
Older & Smarter, November 18
Inklings and notions, November 18
amandainpa , November 19
Pause for Tales, November 19
Hallie Reads, November 20
Cathe Swanson, November 21
All 4 and About Books, November 21
Batya's Bits, November 22
Livin’ Lit, November 22
Texas Book-aholic, November 22
janicesbookreviews, November 22

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

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